Sunday 22 April 2012

Farewell Vancouver

 Well, I left Vancouver on friday after a fairly extensive sampling of the Morrissey beer menu on thursday night. Here's Matt and Hailey outside Mammoth studios where we've been working.
Matt in the Morrissey

Amy in the Morrissey

I made the mistake of telling one of the barmaids that I was leaving and she brought us a round of these, not sure what it was called, but it tasted of mouthwash.

My final Brunch with Amy, Leigh, Brian and Alex

 I had three hours left to kill so I headed to the Morrissey again with Leigh and Brian and once again I told the barmaid that I was leaving and so once again she brought us a round of shots.
A superhero getting the bus from outside the Morrissey

Me and Brian on Granville street

The aquarium at Vancouver airport

Saturday 14 April 2012

The Pai-Gibsons

Pai and Indigo, Matt's girlfriend and daughter have come over for a week, so today we all rented bikes and cycled into Stanley Park.





When in Rome...

Vancouver has the highest concentration of coffee shops I've ever seen, pretty much every other street corner is either a Blenz or Starbucks, plus hundreds of independent coffee shops. The other thing they have in huge numbers is tattoo parlours, so after having sampled as many local coffee shops as I could, I decided I'd get myself inked...

Monday 2 April 2012


Yesterday we took the seaplane tour around Vancouver,it's a twenty minute flight that goes up the coast with views of the mountains, Whistler and Vancouver Island and then back low over the city to land by the convention centre. It had been throwing it down in the morning but by the time we got in the plane, well check these out...

Unwittingly, I seem to have recorded some hardcore ship on ship action in this video, so for those ship enthusiasts, knock yourselves out...

And then, as if my tiny mind wasn't blown enough, they'd lit the Olympic flame

And there were Stormtroopers!
Considering that I then spent the evening at the Vancouver Dr Sketchy's drawing burlesque dancers I think you'll understand the title of this post.